„Radio Preston Air“ – The Crazy World of Rock’n’Roll
Weekly schedule / Wochenprogramm 17 May – 20 May 2021
All times in CET Leipzig-Time!
Looking for English-talking DJs / DJanes: in**@ra*************.com
Mo / Mon 17.05.
04.00 Heartbreakin‘ Songs 2 by Preston
08.00 Clint’s Surprise 4 by Clint Reno
10.00 Life gets better with Malavita by Malavita
12.00 Rat’n’Jive 13 by Manu Tanzratte
14.00 Tanztee 11 by Eddie Bond
16.00 R’n’R Mashed-Up 3 by Preston *NEW*
18.00 House of Rhythm 3 by JayCee
20.00 Rockabilly & Roots 7 by Mystery & His Little Shadow
22.00 Strange things happened by Manu Tanzratte
Di / Tue 18.05.
02.00 French Rock’n’Roll by Tony Be Good *NEW*
06.00 R’n’R Morning-Show 5 by Preston
08.00 Rockabilly & Roots 6 by Mystery & His Little Shadow
10.00 Rhythm & Blues 1 by Rebelyell
12.00 R’n’R Mashed-Up 3 by Preston
14.00 French Rock’n’Roll by Tony Be Good
16.00 Fred’n’Roll 2 by Fred the Cat *NEW*
18.00 Clint’s Surprise 5 by Clint Reno *NEW*
22.00 Tanztee 14 – Hagebuttentraum by Eddie Bond
Mi / Wed 19.05.
04.00 Canadian R’n’R Bands by Tony Be Good
06.00 Riot in the Neighborhood 2 by DeeJeena
08.00 Strange things happened by Manu Tanzratte
10.00 R‘n‘R Morning-Show 4 by Preston
12.00 Fred’n’Roll 2 by Fred the Cat
14.00 Clint’s Surprise 5 by Clint Reno
16.00 R’n’R Mashed-Up 4 by Preston *NEW*
18.00 Rat’n’Jive 19 by Manu Tanzratte *NEW*
20.00 Swing-Time Radio-Show by Johnny *NEW*
Do / Thu 20.05.
02.00 French Rock’n’Roll by Tony Be Good
04.00 Life gets better with Malavita by Malavita
06.00 Country Special by DJ Devil
08.00 Cool Covers by The Josh
10.00 R’n’R Mashed-Up 4 by Preston
12.00 Rat’n’Jive 19 by Manu Tanzratte
14.00 Rhythm & Blues 2 by Rebelyell
16.00 Fred’n’Roll 1 by Fred the Cat
18.00 Rockabilly & Roots 8 by Mystery & His Little Shadow *NEW*
20.00 Sassi’s Best by Sassi & Preston *NEW*
Preview: So / Sun 23.05. Talk’n’Roll 17.00 „The Jeals“ (Powerpunk / Grunge)
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