2018 wirft seine Schatten voraus! Bones wird in Zukunft bei unseren Freunden von BANG! MUSTANG die Sticks schwingen! Schaut’s euch mal an und lasst ein Like auf der Seite. Und besucht die Konzerte!
Unser Schlagwerker hat auch noch andere Projekte in petto, mehr dazu in Bälde!

Ladies and Gentlemen this is Bones, the new drummer of BANG! MUSTANG
Say hello and look forward to more incredible powersurf stuff and shows in 2018. We have only one show left for this year and hopefully, we can reallize our next record very soon. Meanwhile, Lukas is taking New York City, for those who are interested!. He is fine and we miss him already, but we are exited to have another cool dude in the back from now. Well, stay tuned and surfs up! Holy guacamole!!
#newdrummerintown #bones #banggoeson #harddrumming #asskickinpowersurf #martinknöchelmann #svensebastianroll

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